Absolute Lawn Care Service provides insect control spraying services. We develop safe and reliable solutions to remove all types of pests from your lawn, shrubs, bushes, and more. Enjoy a safer, cleaner landscape, and choose us for all your outdoor pest control needs.
To schedule an assessment, call us at (509) 985-6510 today.
We provide complete outdoor insect control solutions. Through rigorous testing, inspection, and application, we ensure your yard is clear of all potential pest activity. Wasps, mosquitos, ants: None stand a chance against the skill of our staff.
Our pest spraying services are ideal for homeowners, business owners, and property managers alike. All can depend on us as their outdoor pest control specialist.
We develop pest control solutions tailored to each client’s precise needs and wants. After performing a comprehensive assessment of your lawn and landscape, we’ll sit down with you to discuss your pest problem and what we can do to resolve it. After that, we’ll work with you to develop a personalized action plan that meets your goals for your property while staying within budget.
Our insect control services aren’t only effective. They’re also safe. We use biological methods to treat your land and remove your pests, minimizing ecological waste while ensuring a greener yard for all to enjoy. Through selective spraying and treatment, we deal precisely with your problem, helping reduce unwanted effects from chemicals and pesticides in the process. With us, you can expect a safe, eco-friendly treatment that helps you enjoy your landscape to the fullest. No more, no less.
We treat all areas affected by pests. Our services are ideal for:
Bugs aren’t just a nuisance—they’re a danger.
Our services help get rid of that danger. We work with special care to eliminate invasive species and dangerous bugs like mosquitos, hornets, and ticks. With our comprehensive treatment process, we minimize the chances of future infestations, allowing you, your family, and visitors to make the most of your land without the risk of getting bit. Keep the bugs out of your hair. Stop ants from ruining your fresh-cut lawn, and allow us to give you the peace of mind you deserve.
Get in Touch Today
For outdoor bug control, consider us the go-to choice. Clients near and far have come to depend on us to keep their yards safe and free from pests. They’ve all come to appreciate our prompt service and stellar solutions, and we’re confident you will too.
Why wait? If you have a pest infestation, we’re here to help. Contact us to book a no-obligation inspection today.